About Me

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We live in Noblesville, IN. with our 2 children Mackenzie (7) and Peyton (4). We were married on July 7, 2001.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Today we went to the pediatrician for Peyton's 15 month check up and Mackenzie's 4 yr old check up. Everything went very well. Here are their stats:

weight: 42 lbs (80th percentile)
height: 42 1/2" (95th percentile)

weight: 24 lbs. (85th percentile)
height: 31 1/2" (80th percentile)

Peyton didn't grow a whole lot from her last appointment at 12 months. She is about a pound and an inch behind what Mackenzie was at her age. Mackenzie grew like 3 or 4 inches in the last year. She's growing like a weed! I think she's going to be tall and skinny! Dr. Kain said she's really tall for her age. Not surprising since her Grandpa Black is like 6'5"! Peyton also had to get 3 shots today which she cried the entire time, but big sis Mackenzie was right there by her side consoling her! It was so cute!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

One Crazy Week

I know I haven't been on our blog in such a long time. It has been the craziest week this week. It's hard to believe that last week was Thanksgiving. So let's start at the beginning.....last Thursday was Thanksgiving. We had a great day with our families, spending time laughing and talking. It was also somewhat of a sad day since that was the last time we got to see Shana and Jim before they set out to move to the sunshine state of Florida. We will miss them living so close to us and having all of our Sunday cook outs in the summer. Moving on to Saturday....Parker's Grandma Rosie passed away. What a sweet lady! And boy could she talk your ear off. She always had a story to tell or something to say. So then we had to work Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday brought in the cold, rainy weather and Grandma Rosie's viewing. Such a sad time and it didn't look like the Grandma Rosie we all remember. Thursday was the funeral and burial. Not exactly a good day to say the least. So today we decide we are going to run errands and then go get our Christmas tree. We always to go the Boy Scouts Christmas tree stand in Fishers at Marsh. Cheap live trees and the money goes to the Boy Scouts. So we get home, get it in the stand, and takes about an hour or so to decorate it. Then all of a sudden we hear a loud crash only to find out the tree had fallen over and ornaments were scattered onto the floor- some of them were broken. So we rig it back up and tie it to the window!! Dad would be so proud! There were so many trees when I was a kid that we had to do that to keep the tree up. I think Dad became a pro at keeping the tree standing. So, needless to say, I think next year we will have an artificial tree!!! Maybe tomorrow morning I will tackle redecorating it!