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We live in Noblesville, IN. with our 2 children Mackenzie (7) and Peyton (4). We were married on July 7, 2001.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Today we went to the pediatrician for Peyton's 15 month check up and Mackenzie's 4 yr old check up. Everything went very well. Here are their stats:

weight: 42 lbs (80th percentile)
height: 42 1/2" (95th percentile)

weight: 24 lbs. (85th percentile)
height: 31 1/2" (80th percentile)

Peyton didn't grow a whole lot from her last appointment at 12 months. She is about a pound and an inch behind what Mackenzie was at her age. Mackenzie grew like 3 or 4 inches in the last year. She's growing like a weed! I think she's going to be tall and skinny! Dr. Kain said she's really tall for her age. Not surprising since her Grandpa Black is like 6'5"! Peyton also had to get 3 shots today which she cried the entire time, but big sis Mackenzie was right there by her side consoling her! It was so cute!!

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