About Me

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We live in Noblesville, IN. with our 2 children Mackenzie (7) and Peyton (4). We were married on July 7, 2001.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Our Big Week

Wow, what a big week it has been for us! Mackenzie started preschool yesterday at Legacy Christian School. She has been so excited about going to school and all the new things she will learn. We had talked about it every day for about 2 weeks leading up to the big day so that she would be prepared for what would happen. I thought she would be nervous about the fact that Mommy wasn't going to walk her into school and take her to her classroom. At her school, they have a drop off line so you just pull up to the school and they have a bunch of teachers out there to take the kids out of the car and walk them into school. It was so sad to see my once little baby now walking into school for her first day of preschool. She has grown up so fast. I think that day was harder on me than her! She had so much fun that day though. She even met a new friend but couldn't remember her friend's name!
Today she started ballet class. Her class is half tap and half ballet. They have a waiting area for all of the parents and siblings to watch outside of the ballet room. The windows are such that you can see in but they can't see out as to not distract the kids. It was so cute watching her. The past 2 days have made me realize how much she has grown up in the past year and what a big girl she is now. She's not the shy little 2 year old that she was only 3 short years ago where she wouldn't leave mommy's side let alone talk to someone she has never met before.
On top of that, Peyton had her 2 year check up. The doctor was happy with her development and how well she communicates. She speaks so much better than Mackenzie did at her age. She has been speaking in sentences for months now. Her stats are:

weight: 27 lbs. 14 oz. (75th percentile)
height: 34" (50th percentile)

I don't think she will be as tall as Mackenzie but we'll see! So far she's falling behind what Mackenzie was at her age for height.

I will post pictures this weekend hopefully!

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