About Me

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We live in Noblesville, IN. with our 2 children Mackenzie (7) and Peyton (4). We were married on July 7, 2001.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Here are some pics of our new knobs and pulls we put on our cabinets. It's so nice to have something to use to open the cabinets finally! We are in the process of finding some new curtains to replace those horrid vertical blinds on our sliding door and then painting the kitchen red. I can't wait until it's done. It will look so much better!

Mackenzie got her hair cut on Saturday. She did such a great job holding still. She got to watch Dora while getting her hair cut and got to sit in the princess jeep too! She was so excited about that! I think they cut off about 2-3 inches. She needed that much cut off. Her hair looks so much better!
For those of you who wanted an update on baby Abrahm, he is doing very well. He had open heart surgery the day after he was born. They left his chest open to make sure the swelling went down before they closed it. So they were going to close his chest a day or 2 after surgery. His mom got released from the hospital on Wednesday and was able to go and see him for the first time since delivery. She was obviously very excited to go be with him. He is still on a ventilator but they were expecting to take him off of it within the week since he was not requiring much assistance from it. Yay! He will stay in the hospital for a month before he is able to go home. The doctors say he will have no lasting effects from this. The only thing he will require is that he will see a cardiologist for the rest of his life and will need echocardiograms probably every year for the rest of his life. So, all around great news. Please continue to keep them in your thoughts and prayers. The next month until he is able to go home will be a long one for them.

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