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We live in Noblesville, IN. with our 2 children Mackenzie (7) and Peyton (4). We were married on July 7, 2001.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Rough Day

So today was a particularly sad day for me. One of my friends who is also one of my co-workers was being induced today to have her second baby at the hospital we work at. She delivered her baby boy this morning after only 4 1/2 hours of labor. Amazing! While we were all anxiously waiting on the news of the baby's arrival, we got an order for a chest xray on a baby in the nursery who just happened to be her brand new baby boy, Abrahm. Unfortunately that's how we got the news that the baby was born. So, I went up to the NICU to do the chest xray and was almost in tears when I saw how blue he looked feeling so sad for my friend. My heart was breaking for her as I listened to the doctors talk about what was wrong with the baby. He has what is called great vessel transposition. So the major vessels off the heart (aorta and pulmonary artery) are opposite of each other- meaning the aorta is where the pulmonary artery should be and vice versa. To make a long story short, Abrahm was transferred to Peyton Manning Children's Hospital where he under went a cardiac cath to put a hole in his heart to help the blood circulate better and will under go open heart surgery in the next day or 2 to correct the defect. While Abrahm is in good hands, it's all so shocking because they didn't know anything was wrong prior to delivery. It was sad for me to see my friends baby for the first time in the NICU with everyone working on him to figure out what was wrong. I guess when we think we have it bad or life has dealt us a blow, God always has a way to remind us that things aren't as bad as they could be. Please pray for baby Abrahm and his family!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing, Lindsay. It makes me realize that what we are going through w/ Alyssa could be much worse. Abrahm will be in our prayers.
