About Me

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We live in Noblesville, IN. with our 2 children Mackenzie (7) and Peyton (4). We were married on July 7, 2001.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I'm back!!

Wow, it has been forever since I have posted anything on our blog! So much has happened since I last posted. We have had the holidays and are almost to spring. Christmas time was so exciting this year for Mackenzie. She was really into Santa Claus coming to deliver her presents and helping with the Christmas tree. It was so much fun to relive the excitement of Christmas through the eyes of a child. New Years was spent at Lauren's house celebrating Sydney's 4th birthday. We had lots of fun. It's hard to believe the girls are 4. How time flies! Fast forward to this past week....Peyton finally started walking!!! Yay! We never thought it would happen because up until this week she really didn't care about walking and had no want to even try it half the time. But this week she decided she was going to do it and boy is she such a good walker now! We've also been researching preschools for Mackenzie for next year. I can't believe my little girl is ready for preschool. How sad! She is such a smart girl and has been really into learning her letters and writing them and her name. It's so fun to see her grow and learn.

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